about me

my photographic journey

Just a little history...I have always had a passion for photography. My dad was a shutterbug, and growing up, I tagged along on his adventures whenever I could – trying my hand with the old 110 and disposable cameras – and having to patiently wait for the local camera shop to develop and print my images.

As a teenager, I took my first photography class in high school – learning all the basics with dad’s Canon AE-1. The adrenaline rush when developing my own film, and then processing my own black and white prints – oh, I was hooked! Then it was on to high school newspaper and yearbook photography. I did the same in college and got a few part-time gigs at a local newspaper -- and in the college public affairs office -- opening my eyes to new viewpoints. Those were fun times – combining photography with journalism – the best of both worlds!

After college, I focused my lens on my children, family, and friends. I would capture images that spoke to my creative side – out on the family farm, hunting or fishing, or on sports trips. During those years I never lost the passion; it was just lying dormant – until I was able to devote the right time and attention to it. My children are out forging their own paths in life now, and the camera has been whispering to me. The spark is back; and, thanks to my husband’s encouragement, this venture has taken shape. I am excited for all of you to join me for this next chapter, and I look forward to bringing the joy of photography into your life..

a few of my favorites

You can quickly catch a glimpse of some of my favorite shots by checking out my Portfolio & Client Galleries page. Enjoy!